How to Choose the Best Air Filter for Pet-Filled Homes

Pets bring joy, companionship, and stress relief, but they also bring dander, fur, and other allergens into the home that can significantly decrease indoor air quality. As a pet owner, you can avoid these issues by selecting the best air filter for your pet-filled environment. All homes suffer from indoor pollution, but those with pets have more problems. To reduce pet hair in your home, use a vacuum cleaner regularly on carpets, sofas, bedding, and other surfaces.

Additionally, you should change your air filter more often than the manufacturer recommends. To determine the effectiveness of an air purifier for pet hair, look for its Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). This metric was developed by the Home Appliance Manufacturers Association (AHAM) to help consumers understand how well a device can filter various particles in a specific room size. A CADR of 200 for pollen means that the air purifier can reduce pollen concentration to the equivalent of adding 200 cubic feet of fresh air per minute. If you need help choosing the right filter for your system and a professional who can help you change it, contact Paschal Air, Plumbing & Electric. Electronic air filters are also an option as they can remove almost all airborne particles that are 0.1 microns in size or larger.

However, some household variables such as drafts or humidity can prevent the air purifier from reaching its optimal capacity. When selecting an air filter for pet-filled environments, consider factors such as size and type of filter. HEPA filters usually need to be changed every year while activated carbon filters are usually full after six months. Vacation homes or empty houses that aren't used much can wait to change their filters every 9 to 12 months. It's best to keep larger, heavier air purifiers stationary; however, some come with wheels for easy carrying. To ensure that your air purifier is effective at removing pet hair and other allergens from your home, look for one with a high-efficiency rating.

These filters are designed to block elements such as bacteria and viruses and are ideal for people with serious respiratory conditions or sensitivities. Additionally, make sure that your air purifier is sized correctly so that it operates at a low level or turns on and off frequently to maintain air circulation while minimizing noise.

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