Choosing the Right Air Filter for Humid Environments

In general, high-efficiency filters that are also cost-effective are best for homes, but other considerations should include whether there are pets in the home.

You can hear it: Your HVAC technician is giving you lessons on how to make sure you change the air filter.

How many days did it take again? 30? 100? — The general consensus is that you should replace your home air filter every 3 months, or 90 days. But why is it so important to change your air filter regularly? The lifespan of the three categories of filters, the degradation of efficiency (i.e., particulate, gas and vapor) and the cost of replacement all need to be taken into account when selecting an air filter. All filters should be replaced whenever they are damaged, dirty, or cause a marked increase in respiratory resistance (e.g., when the pressure drop across the filter increases significantly).

Excessive dust accumulation on the filter can also reduce its efficiency and increase its resistance to airflow. If chemical disinfectants are used, they should only be applied with the air conditioning system turned off. In addition, disinfectants should not be applied to ventilation filters before continuing to use filters within ventilation systems. The effects of disinfectants on filter performance are unknown.

Filters should only be treated with disinfectants if they are going to be removed from service and discarded. Ultraviolet (UV) systems can also be used to maintain cleanliness in HVAC systems and other damp surfaces. These systems generally require more lamps so that they can provide significant doses of UV in a short period of time. A typical single-pass inactivation efficiency is 85%, much like that of a good particulate filter, but systems can also be designed for inactivation greater than 99.9%.

In addition, a well-designed UV air disinfection system within an HVAC system and located next to the cooling coils can also provide surface disinfecting benefits. Another way to install UV is in an “aerial” configuration. Specially designed wall-mounted accessories create an irradiated area above the occupant and disinfect the air in the space as the air circulates naturally, mechanically or through the HVAC system. The CDC has approved this type of system for use in TB control for nearly 20 years, and there is guidance from the NIOSH on how to design them.

Finally, mobile UV systems are frequently used for cleaning terminals and disinfecting surfaces in health centers and other spaces. Systems like these are normally used in unoccupied spaces due to concerns about occupant exposure. All three types of systems may be relevant, depending on the type of building and the individual spaces within the building. Designing and sizing effective ultraviolet disinfection systems can be a complex process due to the need to determine the dose administered to a moving air stream or to an irradiated region of a room.

Inlet systems are further complicated by the configuration of the air handling unit and ducts and reflections from surfaces, which can help achieve higher irradiance levels. Superior air systems require an adequate air mix to function properly, while paying close attention to reflective surfaces that could cause room occupants to be overexposed to UV energy. Accredited manufacturers and system designers can help by making the necessary calculations and designing specific systems for individual spaces. When selecting an air filter for replacement in a humid environment, special considerations should include whether there are pets in the home, how long it has been since it was last changed, what type of filter is being used (pleated vs non-pleated), what type of particles it is designed to capture (particulate vs gas vs vapor), what type of disinfectant is being used (if any), and whether UV systems are being used for additional protection against microorganisms.

The characteristic of this type of filter paper is that its efficiency is between medium efficiency and lower efficiency than high. When HVAC filters get dirty and clogged with debris, air can't flow freely through the ducts, making your home less comfortable and eventually breaking your HVAC equipment. Users are also reminded that the NIOSH has long recommended that 30 CFR Part 11 particulate filters be replaced at least once a day (once every work shift). Therefore, N-, R-, or P-series respirators are suitable for protection against tuberculosis in healthcare settings and other workplaces where oil aerosols are not available; these respirators should be replaced as needed for reasons of hygiene, damage, and respiratory resistance.

If you need help choosing the right filter for your system and a professional who can help you change it, call the professionals at Paschal Air, Plumbing & Electric. Except for boron pollution from atmospheric air as the main source, the air filter is also an important source. Then, they “exhale” through the supply ducts and ventilation grilles, bringing hot or cold air into your living room. When selecting an air filter for replacement in a humid environment, make sure you take into account all factors such as pets in your home, type of filter being used, type of particles it captures, type of disinfectant being used (if any), and whether UV systems are being used for additional protection against microorganisms.

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