Air filters come in a variety of materials, and selecting the best one for your home depends on a number of factors. To measure filter efficiency, experts use the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). This graph classifies filters based on their ability to capture particles, with ratings ranging from 1 to 16. It is essential to understand the characteristics and MERV rating of each material in order to pick the most suitable one for your home. Fiberglass and synthetic air filters are popular due to their affordability and availability, but they don't contribute much to indoor air quality.
They can only filter about 20% of particles between 3.0 and 10.0 microns in size, which includes dust, carpet fibers, and pollen. To determine which high-quality filter to buy, it's best to look for a desirable MERV rating, rather than looking for a brand.
HEPA filters
have hermetic filtration, but they tend to restrict airflow so much that they are impractical for most residential forced air systems. The ratings range from 1 to 16 and give you an idea of how well the filter can trap contaminants of just 0.3 microns and only 10 microns, with 16 being the most effective.When selecting an air filter for replacement, it is important to consider the MERV rating as well as the thickness of the filter. Most home improvement stores sell climate filters ranging from MERV 1 to MERV 13, although CR has tested models as tall as the MERV 16. Disposable and reusable air filters both have advantages and disadvantages that you should weigh depending on your needs. Flat panel filters consist of glass filaments spun together and reinforced by a metal grid. They are more effective than fiberglass or synthetic air filters because they can capture even the most difficult allergens and contaminants, such as pet dander and mold spores.
When selecting an air filter for replacement, it is important to consider all of these factors in order to find the best option for your home. Understanding the characteristics and MERV rating of each material can help you select the best one for your home.