Air Filters for Mold-Filled Environments: What You Need to Know

In short, and going back to our previous question, do air purifiers remove mold? Yes, they can. Mold spores can be eliminated from the air with the help of an air purifier. However, it is important to select the right type of air purifier to ensure that it is effective in removing mold spores. Cheaper quality air purifiers could become a breeding ground for mold, especially if humidity levels are high enough for it to grow actively.

To avoid this, it is essential to choose an air purifier with a sealed system and a certified HEPA filter that is made of hot-rolled glass fibers (fiberglass) or a synthetic material. For some of the best solutions for eliminating mold spores, visit our page on the five best air purifiers for people with allergies. You can hear it now: your HVAC technician is giving you a lesson on how to change the air filter. How many days was that again? 30? 100? — The general consensus is that you should replace your home air filter every 3 months, or 90 days.

But what happens if you let that time go by for a while? Before we talk about WHEN you should change your air filter, let's start with the WHY. If you don't replace your air filter regularly, you will no longer be able to filter the air properly, allowing dust and contaminants to enter the air conditioning system. Molekule can replace the air in a 600-square-foot room once an hour, using a 360° air intake to draw air from all sides and project clean air in all directions. It is important to note that there are high-efficiency filters designed to filter small particles of bacteria, mold and fungi, but the standard MERV 8-11 filters only block the largest dust particles, i.e.

26% of the hair. An air purifier's CADR number (which stands for “Clean Air Supply Rate”), while not always a good guide to efficiency, can give you a general idea of the power of your fan. A very high CADR purifier can be very loud. HEPA filters should be replaced when the air flow decreases below the requirements or when the pressure (“WC”) passing through the filter increases until the recommended replacement pressure is reached.

Consult the user manual. Filters with higher MERV indices trap small particles more effectively than filters with lower MERV indices. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), this filtration helps provide healthier indoor air quality. This can be done by looking at the size of your current filter or by consulting your equipment manual to determine the correct specifications.

This type of air purifier works by generating ozone, which reacts with VOCs to chemically change them and make them less odorous. These air filters act as barriers to prevent contaminants from entering the air conditioning system or circulating through the air. The strongest filters are reusable, usually with metal frames, and can be cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions. However, carbon filters are an acceptable option for musty odors and other volatile organic compounds in basements, although they are not infallible, since gases can “break off” from the filter surface.

Pollen, dust mites, and lint are 10 microns in size or larger, so a washable filter could prevent these types of debris from circulating through the air conditioning system. This is an additional expense, but it keeps the air purifier operating at maximum efficiency and prevents mold from forming on the filter.

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